
In Vietnamese, the word for missing someone and remember ing them is the same: nhớ. Sometimes, when you ask me over the phone, Con nhớ mẹ không? I flinch, thinking you meant, Do you remember me?


Unfortunately for them, my skin gained immunity against scratches inside and out on its own and because of itself, because of my demons that scratched the smallest part of me and the largest part.
          I saw what was worse
          And I heard what’s worse
          And I lived what was worse.


‏لا يتذكر أنه أكمل شيئًا للنهاية، المقالات التي حاول كتابتها، وبضع روايات ماتت في المسوّدات، وديوان القصائد الكسيحة، ورحلات الهجرة الغبية، ومشاعر الحب التي انتهت مستقرّة في قمامة الذكريات، وعمره أيضاً؛ لم يكمله للنهاية.