To just show how life works; since the last time i posted a work of fanfiction here i have since graduated high school, did a semester of community college and decided it was not for me, and went to a 5-month Make-up School program in New York City as I want to start my career as a professional make-up artist. I am now living by myself in Philadelphia for my job as an FX Make-up artist at one of this country’s best halloween attractions, and who knows what life has for me after I go back home. I’ve found myself in love with 80’s Goth & New Wave music, I like to think I am quite fashionably stylish, and best of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. So basically, life speeds by but it is absolutely incredible and I hope, if you are reading this, that you are also finding your ways through your own lives :) Live everyday thoroughly, be excited that there is a whole new day waiting!