Everything is getting worse here in Indonesia. My heart is aching for all the families who lost their loved ones to Covid. I had to tell some 15 year old girl over the phone that her parents are gone. I have to hold my tears knowing that she has 3 other younger siblings and they can't see their parents anymore. Sorry I can't make updates again this week. I have a lot in store but they are still in draft.
@ dominicsorrel1 keep fighting doctor... i hope our country can getting well soon....
@dominicsorrel1 virtual hug.. Stay safe. And don’t worry about the updates, loves are more important. And thank you for all your hardwork in Indonesia. Take care
@ dominicsorrel1 Such a tragic thingTT^TT Stay safe everyone and you too author take care please. It's ok, we can wait for the updates. Aaand Mork!! Gimmi my Vaccine~