[ i have seen many sunrises over the years, but they pale in comparison to you ]

@warandjustice , [ perhaps half of the time, at least? i'm sure my faith isn't all that misplaced. ] * yes, she was much referring to sprite. they've all found sprite in places they shouldn't be, it seems. sprite just has a thing for getting themself in trouble so damn much. it's funny, thinking those two are alike in that aspect. *

* if that was a reference to Sprite, then yes, he knew exactly how much trouble they could be. he'd found them on several occasions in places they didn't belong * [ you hold too much faith in me, lovely Makkari. I'm not that talented.

@warandjustice , [ well, if you're anything like our favorite little gremlin, it wouldn't surprise me any how much that would get you in trouble. but i'm sure you manage to get yourself out of it regardless. ]