
I have so many unfinished poetry pieces which I could dump here. time to make this account into a word-y graveyard.


Hello! Hope this message finds you in good health.❣️
          I used to really love your poetry.
          Don't know how many times I've read your book "The Black Dahlias You Left Me" That book was one of a kind.I'm sorry to see it's been taken down now. Hoping I'll be able to read it again one day :)) I just wanted to leave this message here to let you know your books were loved and that there are still people here waiting for your new poems <3


@a_t_mn I wish I could compile the black dahlias and pdf it to you luv so you could read it as much as you wanted ☹️ I am working on some poems and if I finish them I'll send them to you because I don't think I'll write a whole book again but any small snippet and you'll be the first to know<3


summer months - 
          I burn under the moon
          and scream near the sun
          I'm a stranger in my skin
          and a stranger to the earth -
          a stranger to the sands
          that once sang -
          it's oceans to me
          - excerpt.


@ariettetrisdale that is 100% exacty as ttue as it can be FRUSTRATION 
            I'm gonna express my violence through words.


@Ashes_and_Dust1202 this is beautiful and also it has me rolling because i see it as somewhere deep down you're just expressing your frustration about feeling hot through all these poems XD


Eid Mubarak siyana!! May Allah accept our prayers, fasting and good deeds and grant us forgiveness and accept our duas. May Allah bring peace & happiness to you, your family & loved ones. May Allah guide us and keep us steadfast in our deen. Ameen.


@gargkhushi02 Ameen sum ameen.
            Khair mubarak my love


friday no.5 //
          "april is the cruelest month... breeding lilacs out of the dead land" he said. the dew of these lilacs are pearls upon your skin. pearls of luminous fluxes, shimmering, turning your body into a lake – serene, lucid – where the lilacs and the lilies grow. embrace the cruelties to understand the serenity afterwards.
          // szaffi. (not too good,, hope it was alright)


Everytime I come here I always yearn to worship your entire being <3


@disorientedsun good luck to you too sweet heart


@Ashes_and_Dust1202 awww goodluck with studies gurl!! stay safe and well <3 and take your time, i can wait XD 


@disorientedsun I'm good too - university is just getting hectic and all.
            New collection is yet half done and half dead T_T