
Right, I am working on stuff at the moment but stuff probably won't be uploaded for a while as I have exams starting this time next week so in the summer I will get back into it properly. Mikey


Hey people (who probably haven't really noticed my absence). I'm sorry I've been pretty inactive. Several reasons. 1) It's coming up to Christmas so yea 2) I've been feeling really shitty 3) I've had mock exams and been really stressed out. So yeah, please be patient, I'm gonna work on chapters this weekend and hopefully update at least one of my fics. K bye, Mikey


I know Im late, but I just read one of your fics during a school day, and I just want to say that I am in complete awe of your writing skills. I might just be words on your profile, but just remember that there are people behind those words and really like your writing.