Hi me again, I’m so sorry for disappearing again but thought I owe you all an explanation. My 5 year relationship came to an end recently and I’ve been finding it hard to find time to write with everything that’s going on. It sounds silly but a lot of the things that Lorenzo does for Cassie are inspired by things that my ex did for me and its just been a bit overwhelming trying to write a story about love right now. I promise I’m not abandoning the story but I just need a little bit more time to pull myself together and I promise I’ll be back. Thank you so much to everyone who’s read my book so far

take all the time you need. ik we dont interact a ton but if you need anything let me know. i'm so sorry about your ex and i understand it can be hard in that situation so i hope you're feeling better and if i hope not that that feeling only lasts a little longer <3