
          	Thanks, could you send me a link or the question?


@beatandmusicamy Oh man, you're still active on here? Long time no see! Though you probably don't remember me ^^;


@LenamiLove  Hey! You're right in assuming I don't remember you so sorry about that but yeah. I'm kinda active. Not really but kind of. You mind recalling on our first meeting on here?


Hello everyone! Unless you have not read my last broadcast, you would know that I have job with AnimeLoverUndercover on the Anime_Magazine. Our job is to help you fellow people of wattpad and give you advice. Now, if you need any advice, go to MusicLoverAdvice. This profile is a shared profile between my friend and I for our questions, so technically, it's our question box. The second thing I want to talk to you guys is that there are 90 of you guys. Thank you! No seriously, that's a lot of people, for me.