
Hey! It's my first story in a while, decided to make it a Bichie one, as it's my OTP. Check out the playlist I included, all the titles are the songs I have on the playlist.


Hello! I think I am going to re-brand, since I have moved on from Phanfic right now (don't worry I still love Dan and Phil just I have these phases where I get really into one thing and then nothing else matters but then I get obsessed with something else and it's a never ending cycle) And I will be posting a lot of Marvel fics since Marvel is my #1 Fandom and my OTP (FrostIron) is from there. I'll probably post non-Marvel stuff too to keep it interesting but I just want a change for now :) And sorry about taking all my stories down (Lol does anyone care XD) but I'm just not loving them XD