
sorry but TripleEz is going on hold. I'm working on a collab project with some other friends right now and the prologue is up on the GhastliesOfficial account so if you want to check that out then go right ahead.


First things first: Don't worry. TripleEz isn't over. I've been taking a break for the holidays and planning... Sorry. Second things second: I have a new... thing planned but this thing is called a normal book. I'm going to be posting teaser bits of mythology from the... thing so keep your eyes peeled for those. 
          Ziz and co return at some point this week.
          If you don't read TripleEz yet then start. Now. Click on my profile then click on the book called TripleEz is Coming. Do it.
          New book on its way so read that and the teaser things when I post them.