
"Jesse Eisenberg can get it tho: A Novel by Me"


          okay now for my questions:
          1.You have to eat one food for the rest of your life. What is it?
          2. Describe your music taste. Not just 'oh, I listen to a lot,' List it if you must.
          3. You are now allowed to fight one person on this planet with no repercussions. Who is it?
          4. You have just been given two billion dollars, but you must give half to one person. Who is it?
          5. What is the grossest thing you've ever done? No Shame.
          6. Most awkward situation you've ever been in?
          7. Choose ONE OTP. Why are they your favorite?
          8.  If you had to be eaten, how would you like to be eaten?
          9. Without using names, describe someone you used to adore who is now utter garbage. Why? What did they do?
          10. Who is your role model?
          11. What is a city you must visit before you die?
          12. What is the most utterly ridiculous thing about where you're from? (hometown, school, family, etc.)
          13. What is your philosophy on life? What do you live by?
          I tag @mogannyguel @Alonsakaramat26 and @MeganSkittyKat


@dontforgetmelondon oh cool I didnt see I was tagged. I'll do it when I get power!!


Final Fact
          13.  I don't want to go to musical practice so I'm hiding underneath a blanket and cuddling a pillow I knitted to look like Reid's scarf
          And now for the questions the tagger asked:
          /What is your favorite TV show?/
          Tough, but I really love Criminal Minds, How I Met Your Mother, and AHS
          /What do you want to be when you get older?/
          A writer, like I said, but I'm looking into journalism as a career now. I like not starving.
          /What grade are you in?/
          I am a junior. It's terrifying.
          /Favorite drink?/
          /Least favorite thing about your favorite TV show?/
          Okay, so CM got new writers a while back ad you can definitely tell. They're lazier and they really skimp on Spencer, like, all the time. He hasn't had a decent plot arch since. They really need to get it together.
          /If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?/
          Listen: Shapeshifting. You could look like anything. You could get behind enemy lines as a soldier, you could get boys like Kimmy K, and you could be a velociraptor. Let that sink in. VELOCIRAPTOR.
          /Biggest Pet Peeve?/
          This is a personal thing but when people DONT PUT THE H AT THE END OF MY NAME. IT ISN'T HARD. IT'S RIGHT THERE. it's okay if friends do it intentionally (it's kind of a nickname) but when it's not like that I get kind of irritated.
          /favorite hobbies?/
          Knitting, writing, music, travel, weightlifting, crossfit.
          /Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?/
          Izzy is a Vizsla and my beautiful little baby. She's red and a little rambunxious and she hates me but she's my baby.
          /What kind of phone do you have?/
          iPhone. I'm white girl trash.
          /Favorite movie?/
          any marvel movie or Now You See Me.
          /Weirdest dream?/
          We were going on vacation after a bunch of promgoers ripped up our yard and we were supposed to stay in a fancy gas station hotel and my dad made me pack my luggage with nothing but small bags of chips
          /Happiest Memory?/
          When I found out I was going to London for the very first time. I think I cried.


So I was tagged in a thing. I'll probably do in a few of these things since I only have two thousand characters. I was tagged by @criminal_wolves_312
          -you must post the rules
          -you must tag 13 people
          -you must write 13 facts about yourself
          -you must answer the 13 questions the tagged asked and then ask 13 more for the next people you tag
          -you're allowed to tag back
          -you must finish within a week
          -be creative
          woop woop okay here we go 13 facts about me:
          1. I can speak french
          2. I can play the guitar, ukulele, oboe, clarinet, I dabble on flute, I'm learning to play mandolin, and I can play one song on the piano (It is my heart will go on and I only play it when I'm being comically dramatic)
          3. I taught myself to knit when I was ten (Ah yes, the budding signs of teenage loserdom)
          4. I really like the 1940's movie star aesthetic idk I wear a lot of pearls and old fashioned things.
          5. I am a travel bug. I absolutely love going new places, even if they aren't necessarily 'exciting'
          6. 'The Dream' is to be a writer but for now I'm considering a career in journalism. I'll write novels on the side until i'm 'rich' and I can do writing full time. *sips champagne*
          7. My first novel was a criminal minds fanfic and I don't know how to feel about that.
          8.  I am currently in a certain extracurricular activity that puts me under the control of a certain individual whom I shall not name but is driving me crazy and has been ever since I began this extracurricular activity because this person dOES NOT KNOW HOW TO PULL THIS EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY OFF WITHOUT MAKING IT A nightmare for me and others. I used vague terms so those who know me personally wouldn't really know who it is.
          9. I was once (unintentionally) thrown from a golf cart
          10.  I was a feminist before I even knew what a feminist was
          11. I really really want Four Seasons Vinyl for my record player.
          12. I was invited by a few of my teachers as one of five kids in my grade to go to an ethics symposium


If you use the word 'nubs' to describe anything other than the attachment for a wii remote in a fanfic that is supposed to be intimate and romantic i will laugh out loud, shut my laptop, come to your house, and throw a human anatomy textbook at you


I'm sorry you had to see that...


Okay I am just being honest they aren't nubs they are nipplES JUST SAY NIPPLES THEY ARENT NUBS OR NUBBIES OR WHATEVER.


Hey guys, Birdsong has a new chapter up! I know I was a day late with the deadline for a second chapter in a row, but this one was, again, a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. So long, in fact, that I had to split it up into two parts.  I'm going to try to write a lot this week to get part two in for you guys before the two-week deadline (Because that seems harsh) and I think I have a good amount of time to write a chapter or two so I can have a few in by Christmas