
Hiiii!!! I just wanna drop by and say I love your book the HEAVEN STRUCK. I am totally sobbing and I can't stop my tears from falling. Thank you for the book though. The first thing I thought when I saw the book is all fluff and I totally didn't see the last two chapters coming though. So I thought it's a fluff book. Yes it is at the first many chapters then boom! The last two chapters came and I'm sobbing. Also I listen to Heaven Knows after reading the book. And it makes me cry more. Again THANK YOU FOR THE BOOK and I HOPE MORE BOOKS TO COME. ☺


@quacky_the_quack A lot of people's first stories are a retelling of something that happened in canon with their own twist to it. Why not write out what you imagined could've happened on the dsmp or one of their videos?


@dontrollthedice I don’t write fanfics, but I’m considering it. Any suggestions for first book??


Hello! Just wanted to ask if you'll be writing another series. Heavanstruck is by far the best AU/fanfic I've ever read and I really want to give you my gratitude for creating it. Thanks! 


@Yoongi-turtle Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed the story :)
            I can't guarantee never writing another series on this platform, but I do think my days in the DSMP fandom are done.