
I just rewritten a few things I. The fallacy x reader I'm
          	doing so I hope you all like 


The green haired villain stared in awe before bouncing up and down with excitement. He formed a twisted smile on his face. "Thank you so much for the follow! I really appreciate it. Be careful around us villainous sinners, alright, or you could join us!~" the boy giggled.


Your welcome (つ°ヮ°)つ  └⋃┘


this message may be offensive
I hate myself so fuckin much I mean why the hell I'm I here I don't do anything like really I don't know what I'm spost to do I just ruin everything and I mean it to.  I just  ruined one of the best fucking friendships I had all because of some damn kid who I just couldn't stand because I didn't want my friend to change but here I am pissed off at myself like usual. She probably hates me I mean I'm a perfect example of what not to be I hate my life


I still hate myself


Why im I alive