
Hello there, before you completely stop reading ; please hear me out? (: 
          I'm just another author on Wattpad & would find it honorable if you could check out one of my stories? 
          I have five up, but am only advertising three :) 
          If you are interested, read the summaries below, & if not, 
          thank you for your time. I wish you the best in wattpad land ;D 
          Summaries ; 
          "To Glue Shattered Glass" 
          Life isn't perfect for six-teen year old, Clarisse. After loosing her younger brother, she can't stop feeling guilty. When her family decides it's time to move on, they move into a brand new neighborhood. Clarisse tries so hard to fit in and for a while it works. But when High School hits, she and her best friend, Caleb are forced to go separate ways. Clarisse doesn't understand life, it's all a big blur. So she stops being a part of it. She doesn't talk, respond to anyone and lives in her own make believe world. But when tragedy strikes again, fate brings her and Caleb together once more. Will they carry each others missing pieces? This story is far more than romance. It tells a story of a lifetime, and carries an important message. 
          "Your Pants Look Better On My Floor ;)" 
          A story about a troubled teen, named Tomorrow. After loosing her father, she and her mother don't get along too well. Living in a shadow for so long, Tomorrow realized how unhappy she is. So after getting arrested and having to move into a foster family's home, she feels as if this her last chance to prove to be someone. And that cute boy in the next room? Well, that's just part of the adventure. 
          & finally 
          "Unlimited Flirting." 
          After being in a abusive relationship for so long, Harmony finds herself in the hospital - with a pretty ugly scar haunting her face. Put there by the boy she thought she loved. After receiving devastating news; her parents & boyfriend getting killed in a car accident, Harmony is forced to move in with a grandmother she never met before & pretends to be deaf.


helloo!! fellow­ marshmellows...i mean humans!­!! i know you get tired of th­ese massages and ya they are r­eally annoying cuz i personall­y think so too, but can you pl­ease check out my stories The ­Last Angel and License To Stea­l...Your Heart? thanx a ton! i­ really wouldnt be sending the­se messages, but its the only ­solution to getting my stories­ out there! (seriously, this i­s like, my plan Z) :P thank yo­u so so much for your time, an­d i would absolutely be honour­ed to retourn the favor!! :) :­) ahh, so much for plan... (AB­CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) oh i­ got it! plan Y :( teehee okay­ thanx!! :) :) XD XD
          well The Last A­ngel is about a girl who finds­ out that she's the last angel­ and her mission on earth is t­o grant someone's wish to the ­person who can figure out her ­angel name. hunted down by ang­el seekers, she is forced to g­o on the run, uncovering secre­ts about her culture, and emot­ions for her guardian.
          License To Stea­l...Your Heart? is about a gir­l and a boy who are sent to ta­ke their talent necklaces, a p­ersons most prized possession,­ from each other. together, th­ey find out about each others ­mission while uncovering forbi­dden emotions while they face an unexpected twist that will change their lives forever.
          thanx for ur time!! 


Hey, wud you mind reading my new story - there is nothing - or if yuu wud prefer to read a completed book - the maze - i wud appreciate it loads of you gave feedback as well.. Thanx
          ... also they're good if you want a change from vampire books :D


          i was just wondering if u could take a look at my new story, Harewood crescent? it's about this girl who loves music and she goes on this music trip and falls in love with a guy called steve.But when tradgedy strikes she doesnt know if she really can fall in love with angel.... 
          so pleaz vote...comment? maybe become a fan??? 
          its only the first seven chapters bt all my friends love it and say its really good. 
          i know these can get annoying bt its the only way i can get peeps to read it. These things dont stay on the whats new page for any long. thanks, Amy (: