Name: Jazzy
Age: 28
I love anime they are heartwarming and
meaningful that brings out emotional feelings towards the heart
I'm a Shoujo/Romance:Horror/ Fan stay/Action/ Comedy/Sports Anime

Favorite anime (which I have a lot ) Norgami, Kimi Ni Todoke , Ao Haru Ride , Kobato , Teen Titans, Naruto , Bleach , Flame Of Recca, Yu Yu Hakusho , Peach Girl , Brynhildr In The Darkness , Sankrea , Red Data Girl , Hyouka , Pokémon , Final Fantasy Children Advent , Sprites away , Ponyo , Howlings Moving Castle , Vampire Knight , Fruit Basket, Wolf Children, Escaflowne , Tales of Phanatasia , Tales of Vesperia First Strike, Castle In The Sky, Seccert World Of Arrietty , Gundam Wing/Seed , Sailor Moon, Mew Mew Power , Magical Do Re Mi , Kirby , Shuman King , Digimon , Fushigi Yuugi , Vampire Princess Myiu , Orphen , Ayashi No Ceres , Kodocha , Full Moon Wo Sagashite , CardCaptors, Starry Sky , Chobits , Aohana , Hirro No Kakera , MekakuCity Actors , Knight Hunters , Nana , Bokura Ga Ita , and many more
  • RegistriertDecember 4, 2015

Geschichten von dopeswagurl
Short quotes  von dopeswagurl
Short quotes
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tsukishima love
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Tai and Kisa destiny
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