
Hello guys! I just got my laptop back. I brought it to the repair shop and they said that they need to take it and it would probably take a month before they could return it to me. So after a month of being away, I finally got it back! I'll be writing an update today and hopefully I could post it on Friday.


@dorkykyungsoo Go! go! Authornim! :D


Hello guys! I just got my laptop back. I brought it to the repair shop and they said that they need to take it and it would probably take a month before they could return it to me. So after a month of being away, I finally got it back! I'll be writing an update today and hopefully I could post it on Friday.


@dorkykyungsoo Go! go! Authornim! :D


It's been a loooong time, without you my friend..., wait that's not right I'm not suppose to sing. What I mean is that its been a long time since I posted my last update. I'm so sorry about that but now I am now writing a new update so please wait for it :)


That feeling were you were so happy that you were able to write enough to post an update but you were not satisfied with it so you decided to stood up and get some water. Then when you get back and looked at your laptop, everything that you have written was GONE. The page was CLEAR. FRUSTRATING TO THE NTH POWER!!!!