Heyo, hope you are having a blessed day. I just wanted to put out that I just published my very first HS fanfic and if you want, it would be awesome for you to check it out.
Much Love, A. ❤︎︎
@The_real_OliviaWilde exactly and it’s like, we don’t even have any reviews or opinions yet so why would i pay 65$ for nail polish i don’t know works well? also, they don’t ship to my country so
@soupysunset exactly like they should make the prices more available for the regular person. we can’t afford to spend 200$ on nail polishes and eye creams or what it is especially without knowing if they work and without reviews
@ImASlutForZaddyBro same bestie bae</3 all i feel is stress for no reason at all.. like sometimes i dread going on socials because of pap pics for example
i’m also kinda worried people are gonna hype it up anyways and he’ll get praised and supported regardless of product quality just because he’s Harry Styles yk