
Hello! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the follow :) Although, I do want to ask. I started reading your story, but I realized it began in 2019 with a few updates this year. Are you still continuing it? I'll still read it up until it stops; I just want to get a general idea on whether or not it's on hiatus. Love your descriptions, by the way (even if the situation so far is like a punch to the gut) 


@AsaLevens Oh no problem! I completely understand - life can be hard :) Good luck with everything 


@LifeIs2Slow4Me Awe thank you! I do intend to keep it going, the issue is life circumstance. My adult years have hit me really hard tbh. Currently residing in my 5th rehabilitation center with a lot of program requirements. I do apologize for the confusion, but I also appreciate you reaching out. I have some things in drafts that need major revisions before I publish them. I absolutely want to finish the book, and have every intention of doing so❤️