
Girls, put this on your message
          	board. I bet NO boy can write a
          	paragraph about you and send it to
          	your inbox; One That you will NEVER
          	forget. See who is the nicest boy(s)
          	on Wattpad who will actually write a
          	paragraph that stuns you. So let's
          	see how many can, how full my inbox
          	can get? Boys, this is a challenge for
          	you. :DDDD


Girls, put this on your message
          board. I bet NO boy can write a
          paragraph about you and send it to
          your inbox; One That you will NEVER
          forget. See who is the nicest boy(s)
          on Wattpad who will actually write a
          paragraph that stuns you. So let's
          see how many can, how full my inbox
          can get? Boys, this is a challenge for
          you. :DDDD


Hey girl what's up lol anyways thanks for reading my story 


hehe no prob. you are my friend so ya, id check it even if i didnt want to. your book is amazing, so dont stop writting and um...well...your followers hehe if u know what i mean (remember the texts we sent each other about your specifc ones.)