
Your books are cool all I can ask is if you give me pointers and read my stories you KNOW pay it foward.


Thanks for the follow!!❤️


@dougmiller222  I'm actually not very good at it my self, so what I do is try to word things as best as I can, I'll sometimes search things up and find certain words to replace with better words. For example the word 'said' that's a word you could use but it just doesn't show the emotion in the words, if that makes any sense, I'll try to use other words that give off more emotion in the situation and your readers will know how a character said a certain line. I also LOVE writing and someday hope my books on wattpad are books that people love. I hope this helped.


@whales132 your cool JUST please give me some pointers I'm new at THIS and I LOVE writing so  keep boing you 