people suck

so i have a friend with a chrollo hate account and i'm writing a fic cuz we all ship it. Any chrollo haters or simps out there willing to assist?

A star has five ends. A square has four ends. A triangle has three ends. A line has two ends. But a circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to all your friends [including me if I am one] if you get five back you’re a great friend! If you get 10 back you’re a freaking amazing friend!! One of a kind if you get 15 back.


*spoilers for the new ss ep* I CANT. When ur favorite character is Janis. I honestly love that name tho. Mean Girls reference I mean we’ve got Roman as Regina Logan as Gretchen Patton as Karen and Virge as catty sooooooooooooo I’m just sayin yall

so i wanna start watching Steven universe but i have no idea where a good place to start is and also no idea where to get it can one of y’all help me out

@DIDYOUSAYSOLANGELO sent me this so I’m passing it on! Positivity chain! Say 3 things you love about yourself and then post this to 10 other users’ feeds!

@Pen_Ink_Thorn uhm ok thanks i have people i’ll send this to i guess uhhh i like my sense of humor kinda uhhh i have ok ish style uhhhhhhhhhh...... a third thing

why do we exist we serve no purpose we exist, better society( something built on falsehoods) and then die after serving the economy, until our memory will fizzle out we have no real world impact what if we’re all dreaming and when we wake up we die what if i’m already dead and this is the afterlife

@doyouhowdomortals Me, because here’s the thing: no one will remember me in a hundred years. I am meaningless. Some will be remembered, good or bad, but most will be crushed by the weight of history into oblivion. But through out our lives people tell us that we’re special, that we’ll make a difference. But when are we different, when are we special in fifty, a hundred, a thousand years? In the end, we will always be generic, faceless, meaningless people of the past society whose mistakes will be complained about and made fun of for eternity, and triumphs will become primitive in twenty years. We are nothing. We were never anything to begin with. We are the common folk, and the common folk are dirt on the shoes of the future. But sure, hold on to your hope. Hold on to the flimsy idea of eternal glory. Hold on to the ideal of remembrance by the future. You won’t be holding on for too long anyway.

so my mom thinks the weird kid at school (i mean..... is she wrong?) but then I said that no, i’m not weird, i’m a style ICON and if you go to my school please tell me if you think so as well. No i’m not asking if i overdoo it, and will slap you if you say so because it makes me happy, but am asking what y’all think. Thank you. Also is wearing a fur coat too much for school?

@doyouhowdomortals Here’s the thing: I know basically no one at my school, so I’m totally okay with stopping someone and telling them how good they look because I don’t know who they are or what their name is. So definitely wear the fur coat.

@pen_ink_thorn REALLY?? thank you so much!!! i usually just kinda get stared at.. or people run away from me.. they’re actually kinda scared of me at school but that really makes me feel better