
Wattpad hack @KyrieGloria . Love you boo


HELLO!!! (just showing my gratefulness): Thank you for all your support on my sad little story that might finally be emerging for the depth of failure... haha. No but really, every little vote, comment or even an extra renders extatic (does that even make sense haha) anyways sorry for my lack of updates, I'm getting there... somehow


@dpqueen It's ok. I just wanted to say thank you.


@HOLYMOTHERS sorry for the late reply it i was just shock that you left me a message.


some people from a church call by my house. so right before i open the door i hear them talk about how being homosexuals are the lowest form of living. i had the urge to go madea on them. i don't know if you my followers are gay,straight, bi or whatever. love is love. simple as that don't be afraid to be who you are because no one now sees the beauty in you or your love. don't change yourself, change them or just ignored them.
          peace and love
          D.P Queen