
          	Ramadan does not only come for you to abstain from food, water, and sexual acts; it comes for you to go into a mode of reflection and meditation. You need to be a changed person even after Ramadan ends. What are those acts you do engage in before Ramadan, but you stopped? What are those steps you take to connect more with your Lord this month? Are you the same person as before? Has your iman increased? Subhanallah, there are so many questions to be asked.
          	            The importance of this mail is to call your attention to your behaviors. Look at who you were before Ramadan, who you are, now, and who you'd love to be after Ramadan. You know, it doesn't speak well of you to humble yourself now and then turn the other way round. It seems hypocritical. It's absurd. It's unpleasing.
          	          I want us to adopt three halal new lifestyles. We must live, forever, to please our Lord. Now is the time for us to experience a change. Now is the time for us to live a life of purpose. Have a conviction that you want to be loved by your Lord. He is Al-Wadud, He loves you. Repent now, we don't know when it'll be our end. Seek His forgiveness, He will forgive you.
          	        “Take note of every one of your habits during this month. What three of them would you love to adopt into your lifestyle?”Answer these questions as the day passes on. I hope by the end of this month, we'll be a good and striving Muslim, bi idhnillah Ta'ala. See you on Monday, In Sha Allah, Ta'ala. Amin.
          	Fi Amanillah.


@dr_abdulsalam ❤️❤️❤️


@sweetlullaby92 ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Don't be afraid to dream big.  Don't be afraid to take chances.  Don't be afraid to be yourself.  You are unique, special, and wonderful, just the way you are.  Don't be afraid to take a risk, because sometimes the greatest rewards come from taking a chance.  Don't be afraid to fail, because failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success.  Don't be afraid to be different, because your differences are what make you special.


          Do not be envious of someone's joy .
          Who knows it might be their first time 
          to breathe out 
          After their lungs were drenched In
          Sorrow for too long .
          Just be patient,  your hardship will come to an end and everything will be alright .
          Have a good day ahead! 
          Kind regards !


          Make the people  around you smile , whether you know them or not . To you it is just a smile but for them it is something more than that because you don't know what kind of trails they are battled in the past . Maybe their battles are ongoing , or maybe the pain of the past still goes on for them .
          Have a good day ahead! 
          Please keep me in your special prayers 
          Stay blessed and happy 


          Everything will make sense perfectly. 
          So for now,  laugh at the confusions , smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason. 
          Have a good day ahead!
          Best wishes and keep me in your prayers.