I just finished 'it ends with us' I looked through the epilogue and i dont know how to feel. At the start I loved Ryle and then he became aggressive and atlas never really made me feel happy, and i just dont know how to feel. Being in an abusive environment isn't good. I've been in a physical and mentally abusive situations, lily deserves everything but the last chapter broke me, when she said to Ryle...
"what would you do? If one of these
days, this little girl looked up at you and
she said "daddy? my boyfriend hit me"
what would you say to her Ryle?"
"what if she came to you and said
"daddy? My husband pushed me down
the stairs. He said it was an accident.
what should I do?"
"what if she came to you and said,
"my husband tr
ied to r@pe me, daddy. He held me
down while I begged him to stop.
but he swears he'll never do it again
what should I do daddy?"
I broke. But I don't know how to feel. Atlas never had an impact on me, he was kinda just there and the epilogue just didn't seem interesting to me anyways...i cant decide to get the second book or not, what do you guys think i should do??