
Thank you guys so much for 4K reads on collisions! I hope you are all enjoying the book! Make sure to check out parallel as it's part two of collisions! I love you all and enjoy the rest of your day/night!


Thank you guys so so much for 3K reads on collisions! I appreciate you all and love each and every one of you. If you haven't checked out my new book called Parallel, please do! It is part two of collisions and I have a strong feeling you will love it!


Hey readers! I am very sorry I have not posted that much this week. The truth is, school has been taking a lot of my time. I haven't been able to edit chapters and make any last minute changes. I think it's best if I post once a week and ease into things. I am sure once I finish editing/writing the last few chapters, I will post more often. Don't you worry, I will finish Parallel!


Hello my fellow readers! You’d be happy to know I am working hard on collisions part two! There’s going to be new plot twists and it will blow your minds away! It’s not actually called collisions part two but as soon as the first chapter is out, I will remind you guys! 


AHHH okay! I just completed my book 'collisions'. I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you so much for 1.3K! There will be a collisions part two but with a new title. I will keep you guys updated on that and I have already started writing it! I can't believe I finished collisions, it was truly wonderful to write!


Sorry that I didn't post on Saturday! It was partly because I forgot and I also didn't have the chapter ready for you guys but I did post today! I hope you enjoy the book and I will be posting later on this week. Also , thank you guys for 1.2K reads in collisions. It means a lot to me and I hope you all have a lovely day/night.