
You should mind your own business and stop being a creep and a bully. I'm sick of it. You are the worst person on Wattpad and you should leave. You're a reason people on Wattpad feel bad about themselves. You are a disgusting being. If you're going to talk negatively about someone, do it about yourself. Many people on Wattpad dislike you for your actions and I do too. No wonder you only have 2 followers, which are both creeps too. I hope you consider this and leave Wattpad. Have a nice day.


@YaDucky. I know those Wattpad notifications don’t always work, so I’m just ensuring that you have the opportunity to view this gem in its entirety and don’t miss out on its remarkableness.


As you can see, I’ve considered and dissected all your words, just as you asked... but, truthfully, I didn’t do it because you asked. I’ve only done it for my own mirth, and my, did I have a blast writing this showpiece. 
            I do hope this has cleared some things up and allowed you to undergo an epiphany and realize your folly, dimwittedness, and erroneous ways.
            I will not leave Wattpad, so long as dunces like yourself fuel the fire and engage with me, as it brings me much merriment and enjoyment. Thank you, dear Ducky for allowing me to experience such gaiety on this bully day!
            I hope YOU consider this, and have a nice day.


On a lighter note, thank you for informing me that “many people dislike [me] for [my] actions.” I am gratified and quite pleased to know that others feel that way about me. While I have not done so lately, wreaking havoc upon this forlorn application has always been a delight.
            Now I must enlighten you with some information to clarify a false assumption you’ve made about my followers. You’ve rudely and erroneously insulted @ cut-the-cameras, as they are a person I do not know and randomly followed me one day. What a green move. I must also address the dimwitted implication you’ve created, that having a number of followers on Wattpad is somehow a measure of worth or a reflection of merit. What a way to show your true colors, Ducky. Of course, it’s no surprise that someone as sanctimonious as yourself would be so shallow as to think followers on this wretched application of all places somehow matters.