
I miss y’all so much!! And I miss writing :( I’m thinking of finishing my Draco book or maybe starting a new one. Idk. I know a lot of people are kind of past this phase but I’m not  would y’all read it? Or should I move on to a different type of book?


I miss y’all so much!! And I miss writing :( I’m thinking of finishing my Draco book or maybe starting a new one. Idk. I know a lot of people are kind of past this phase but I’m not  would y’all read it? Or should I move on to a different type of book?


Guys I’m very embarrassed by how long I have made you wait. I am in the process of editing my Mattheo book. So please reread once it’s done. If you would like. And then I will try to update. Now this is not something I regularly do (make you all wait so long) I know I’m the past the longest was a month but I am absolutely appalled. If anyone has any further questions about my absence please feel free to message me. I will explain. But I have been very busy. I will try my very best to start updating regularly soon. And I will try not to make you all wait. And yes I will finish these books no matter how long it takes. 


Hey my loves!! I know I’ve been MIA for a while now. And I am so so sorry for that. I know some of you have been waiting so patiently. And for that, thank you. There was some stuff happening with my mom finding out I had Wattpad  not good, but I took a break to make sure she didn’t know I had actual fanfics on here. I’m still hoping she doesn’t lol. But anyways I also had volleyball and school so I didn’t have time. But now volleyball is over, and my mom has hopefully forgotten. I guess we will find out. But I will start to try and post again, don’t worry I haven’t given up on y’all. Just a lot has been happening. So if you’ll give me just a little bit more time I will try my best and post a chapter. And then I’ll keep you updated on the mom situation. Much love <3


I NEED another chapter of the book about pansy Parkinson and Y/N smith. I can’t get any good books cause it always like 3-8 chapters. And I love this book already so when you get the time please make another chapter. Speaking from the heart ❤️


If you follow me on Instagram I say when I update on each book. And with this case I update that book every Friday so just a few more days. 


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Guys idk what’s going on right now. I’m getting super fucking annoyed. Idk if it’s Wattpad or not but let me know if you are having this problem too. So I always get notifications from Wattpad like in the actual app it shows and then on my phone notifications board. But right now it’s showing that I have notifications from there on my board but then when I look on the actual app and try to see the comment or whatever it’s only showing from an hour ago. I should have about 50 more but it’s not showing. 


It’s so annoying 


@Olivew8 Omg yes, I go back to past comments and see that a bunch of people replied but I didn't get any notification. Or even on my own work I don't get notifications of comments till a while later!