
Hey all, message time haha
          	Sorry I haven't been super active... at all... in like almost a month now omg. I'm probably gonna continue to be Not Active. I don't know how long, maybe indefinitely...
          	You can DM me at any time if you wanna check in and I might sometimes check this conversations thing, but currently it's looking like I won't post any more writing, at least for a while. I'm still very much into SK, tho! If you want a link for a snazzy SK discord uh DM me and I'll give you the link haha we'd be able to talk a lot more there.
          	I feel like I'm forgetting something but can't think of what it is. Again, if you ever wanna talk, even if I don't really know you, feel free to DM me and I'll try to respond
          	Love you all. xoxo <3
          	-draco/tuna/however you may know me


@dracothelittlepuff ofc!! whats ur discord so we can stay in touch?


Hey all, message time haha
          Sorry I haven't been super active... at all... in like almost a month now omg. I'm probably gonna continue to be Not Active. I don't know how long, maybe indefinitely...
          You can DM me at any time if you wanna check in and I might sometimes check this conversations thing, but currently it's looking like I won't post any more writing, at least for a while. I'm still very much into SK, tho! If you want a link for a snazzy SK discord uh DM me and I'll give you the link haha we'd be able to talk a lot more there.
          I feel like I'm forgetting something but can't think of what it is. Again, if you ever wanna talk, even if I don't really know you, feel free to DM me and I'll try to respond
          Love you all. xoxo <3
          -draco/tuna/however you may know me


@dracothelittlepuff ofc!! whats ur discord so we can stay in touch?


you alive friendo?


its okie!!! im dooing pretty good! just miss you!


@GothOwl Yes I am! I'm sorry I haven't been super active, I haven't been writing a lot in general haha <3 i hope you're doing well!!


When I get introduced to a new ship through fanart and the artist was recommending an AO3 fic so I read the fic and it’s SO GOOD and now I’m obsessed with the ship and wanna read more but also it’s 1:20 am and I have school tmrw :(
          The art: Chai coffee/Ted x Paul (I know. I know...)
          The fic: Painfully Pretend by okemmelie


Hehehe 138 notifs peasants  wow I have not checked this app in SO long (idk it feels like a long time loll)
          Soooo still gonna probably not post for a while? Idk - I’m back in school... history and drama!! Really fun stuff
          Mmm what else
          Yes hugs *hugs y’all who want hugs*
          I-I ended up rebinging the hunger games movies a couple days ago and made some OCs?? 
          Averno is really nice and chill ✨ (DCD/DDL, any of y’all?)
          Enola Holmes is fun
          Among Us is kinda sus I think I saw cyan vent (also made OCs lol)
          Anyway imma go to sleep kinda soon I just wanted to say I’m well <3 ilyasm!!


(It really hasn’t been that long lmao)


When one of ur best friends from grade 3 and a friend from ur last school become best friends at THEIR new high school - WHICH IS ALSO WHERE UR DAD’S GF WORKS?! 


@dracothelittlepuff That sounds amazing! I wish stuff like that wound happen to me


have u ever looked back and been like “oh that was a really mentally bad place” but like while u were in it u thought it was normal but now ur like “okay that’s not good at all” bc...
          also here’s the deal: I really want online friends who I consistently talk with but I really suck at being the one to message first even if ur like my best friend ever and also sometimes I just can’t be on wifi randomly for a weekend bc of circumstances and like... u guys and ur friendships r making my heart hurt (in a good way). Ur so beautiful. Ily ily ily!!
          (I’m off wifi this weekend sat-sun)


@Aunazzo 1. Awww sorry 2. That’s a mood


@dracothelittlepuff My answer to the first thing yes I have. Secondly I struggle with sort of the same problem, I really want online friends like that but I can't be on all the time. Also most of the time they don't have the same timezone as me so there online really late and I'm probably asleep at that point.


would you love to be in musical theatre professionally but only have BASIC music knowledge and doesn't even know your range or are you normal


@dracothelittlepuff I'd be rubbish at the acting part lol