UPDATE 12/12/22
I am so sorry that I have been absent for so long. My health issues really took over this year. I have a whole list of medical problems, the more serious being Pulmonary Hypertension and Heart Failure.
I take a lot of medications to 'help' but overall I am very fatigued ALL THE TIME and just feel like crap basically non-stop.
I have fallen away from every single hobby. I literally have no energy to do anything. I am barely scraping by with my daily mandatory things, like cooking and taking care of the kids. I have 4 by the way.
I am a single mom to 4 kiddos and I have chronic illnesses. It is incredibly difficult. I am not trying to make excuses but I just wanted to let you all know why I haven't been active for so long.
I really do hope and plan to get back into it as soon as I can. Fingers crossed that I can figure something out and get back to writing.
If you are interested, I post updates and previews on the official dracoyoflam tumblr here: dracoyoflam.tumblr.com