well ..your dad requested a /family/ gathering this weekend
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well ..your dad requested a /family/ gathering this weekend
would you stop screaming? i have you.
@dracroars you asked a question and I answered.. [his shoulders lift and fall into a shrug, crossing his arms] you’re getting heavy, lay off the candle candies, tom
@heirology [he makes a noise, almost resembling a squeak as he’s dropped, quickly recovering with a scowl] what the hell was that?!
no, you can’t sit on the throne. \i\ don’t even sit on that
@dracroars glad you find it comfy, [despite himself, he can’t hold back the smile he fought so hard to keep from forming . he has to look away and cross his arms just to keep himself grounded] it’s just not my thing.. always clowned queen lizzy and them over there, .. didn’t think i’d be doing what they do.
@heirology you’re serious? [he gaped, looking between his friend and and the aforementioned throne, racing forward before nate could change his mind to take the spot on the throne, fingers tapping the side of the chair as he crossed a leg over the other.] dude, this is the coziest chair ive ever sat in. i cannot imagine why you don’t sit in it.
@dracroars tuh.. let God be God, i don’t want his job in no shape or form. [purple eyes fell to the throne in question. he only recalls ever sitting on it once, and had never thought to do so again. stand in front of it, maybe even beside it——but he’d never actually sat] tell you what, you can sit on it.. for three minutes. \three\.
would you——stay \down\, they’ll see you
@heirology don’t shush m— [he was cut off as he was pushed lower, shooting a pointed glare towards his friend as he surveyed their situation.] twenty.. probably /more?/ that’s great. why are we here again?
@dracroars shush. [he pushed him down lower, folding him at this point. while the king himself peeked over their hiding spot. eyes darting to number the amount of pirates] seven.. thirteen.. twenty. ——probably more
who the hell are you supposed to be?
it matters when you're in my jurisdiction, kid. it would be best if you turned around and went in the opposite direction.
no, we are not keeping the rinnick.
@dracroars [and eyes would look at the rinnick again, devoid of any true interest other than the slightest hint of judgement. the creature in return remained idle——held like a baby being shown to the world. it’s hat covered it’s eyes, little feet swaying if you looked hard enough] a sweet rinnick with a spear. now put him back before an entire army of them comes——i’m not saving you if it does.
@kingsarc he wouldn’t do that. we’re friends ): look at him.. he’s such a sweet rinnick.
@dracroars and have his entire bloodline after us? put him back. .. don’t make me use the king card
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
are you okay? you look ..sad
i added another page ..but it’s not to shit talk, just a note to look out for
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