
current hyperfixation : renaissance venice 


i can’t wait for in the future, when history teachers teach of palestine and students ask, “why did nobody help?” just as they question why nobody helped the black south africans during the apartheid, and how nobody helped the jews and other minorities persecuted by the n@zis. 
          if you think about it in a modern context, you would feel disgusted knowing your favourite celebrity was aware of the south african apartheid, or the holocaust and chose not to speak out because it would “damage their career”, because why should fame be prioritised over human rights? 
          you lot hold too much praise for celebrities and protect them WAY too much. if anyone had any ounce of sympathy for children being starved and killed, your morals would come before your own safety. all the people defending celebrities not speaking out saying, “it’s too dangerous to speak out”, yet it’s not dangerous for the kids in gaza to be bombed? 
          everyone has a voice, but celebrities and influencers are the loudest. hold your favourites accountable rather than protecting them. 


@dracuIauras  oh my god yes thank you so much for saying this


how i feel after writing türkiye instead of turkey ( nobody notices but it fuels my ego ) 


guys give me tv shows and movies to watch ( after june ) that aren’t like dps or perks of being a wallflower, i want something niche and semi-popular 


( @dracuIauras ) also i recommend prison break! idk if it’s niche but it’s  20 years old (i think s1 is from 2005) so there isn’t a BIGG fandom right now 


love scout & study group !! (idk if they are popular or not but its rlly good)


unfollowing me and calling it chronically online + performative activism because i told you one of your faves is a raging zionist is literally insane 


@hmulupin i have you on instagram, ill message you 