
New cover for Magistrate! Hoorayyy! 
          	All the love, X.


Hi I just wanted to say that I also love red queen, and admittedly, Maven. 
          You're awesome. 
          And have a nice day. 


<3 me too!!!! 


@ Be_crazy25  omg, me too, I love him so, so much it hurts. I hope he gets another chance to be with Mare T-T 


We all secretly do. He's amazing. 


it's hell week this week and i have biochemistry on tuesday and i know i should be studying (which i actually did, i'm just taking a coffee break -wink-) but i just saw that Magistrate has 305 reads! Omg i'm soooo happy despite getting stressed rn but this is awesome! Thank you all for reading my crappy story with all the grammatical errors and missing words and just everything. 
          thank you from the very bottom of my heart :)
          All the love, X.


chapter eight of magistrate is up! and pls do read the long ass author's note at the end and give me your comments guys! don't be a ghost reader and it'll motivate me to write more so please oh please give me comments yayyyy okay! :)
          all the love, X.