
this message may be offensive
so im eventually going to need a better computer if i want to keep animating high quaility things...and my laptop wont cut it...i need something portable and light weight that i can take with me anywhere. problem is...they are fucking expensive as hell...with how much time i have left in animation and with me needing a car and shit....im really running low on time....idfk what to do anymore at this point....if you have any advice just type it down in the comments while i keep looking for tablets


Γειααα απλά ήθελα να σου πω πως θα χαιρόμουν πολύ αν με υποστήριζαις σε αυτήν την ιστορία... Δίνοντας μου την ευχάριστη ειδοποίηση πως πάτησες το αστεράκι, έκανες σχόλιο ή ακόμα κι αν απάντησες απλά σε αυτό το μήνυμα... Ελπιζω να έχεις υπέροχη μέρα 
          Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I'd be very happy if you supported me in this story... Giving me the pleasant notice that you stepped on the star, made a comment or even if you just answered that message... I hope you have a great day. 