
Next week (technically this week) is exams. Mother trucker dude.


I was just sitting here and randomly remembered how much I love We're all Crazy Here by @TheNightPhantom and like wow, guess who's going to spend every waking hour re-reading that glorious book? Me.


~(⁰▿⁰)~	Oh my! I'm doing the happiness dance! 
            You've made my entire day! ♥️ Thank you so much. 
            (*whispers* Watch out for the plot holes, the lemmings still need to smooth those over with some cement *^*) 


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alright so I need advice I guess????? my shitty fan fiction has been piling up and I recently got back into homostuck ( K I L L M E ) and I can't stop writing shit and idk if I should actually publish it??? or should I just bring my art book back and nothing else????? this is important help me 


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thank u for ur kind words :)))) okkkkk but anyways I made the book and I'm publishing the first chapter tomorrow (hopefully) probably gonna be dave strider cause HOLY SHIT I LOVE HIM,,,, also I brought my art book back from the dead lol


@transcendgalaxies bring that fuckin homostuck fan fiction, your writing is amazing and I'm sure a lot of people would love it. Your art us also very very nice so I would suggest rather than having an upload schedule because that's kinda stressful just upload when you have art that you'd like to show people


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oi cunt (I should probably ask u on skype but I'm lazy ok) should I start an art book or nah????


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ok ok ok I'll start it sometime today ok look forward to that shit guy 


@livingcosmos YES! 100 TIMES YES,YOUR ART IS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL AND AHHHHHH YES YES YES DO IT!!! (Also watch ur mouth on my dashboard bitch)


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH MY LORD I FEEL LIKE I'VE STRAIGHT UP ABANDONED WATTPAD AND MY ARTBOOK. I'm going to post a bunch of little sketches that I have from like, grade 6. I'll try to update more often but uuggghh school and uugggghhhh projects that are due in two days ugggghhhhh