
Just watched the Dragonball Daima finale and it was great 


I just found your total drama books and they are amazing I read the first one and can’t wait for the next chapter of drama


Hmmm I honestly don’t mind if the rest of the series is not done I like the first 3 series better 
            I honestly want to just how out relationship grows and kids possibly


            I will do World tour and Lindsay is in world tour and I’ll also do Revenge of the island but it’ll be with a completely different Y/N and not sure if I’ll do the rest of the series though 


No problem and are you going to do world tour I don’t remember if Lindsay is in that one


Since the app is still bugged and I can’t write due to the keyboard blocking the bottom of the page I’ve been thinking on what to do for some of my stories and for my Total Drama books when I get to world tour should I make it that Y/N is a bad singer so he doesn’t have to sing so I can add videos of the actual songs instead of writing the lyrics. 


I finished watching Sonic satam recently and it was okay but I wasn’t a fan of how much of a jerk sonic could be as well as how big of a coward they made Antoine 


            Antoine being a coward is fine but I think they overdid it a bit and to me it got more annoying later in the show 


            I like Antoine being a coward it's shows that despite whatever training he went through he's just a big Fraidy Cat and Sonic is more  egotistical about speed than a jerk