Ahem... Attention all fans!
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.... Is This Heaven, or Hell? finally has another chapter! I'm really, really so sorry that it took me this long. But it's updated now, so you can not hate me anymore... right? Please?
Anyway, go ahead and read the author's note at the end if you usually don't because it has a little bitty announcement of my thoughts and plans for this story. If that actually goes through, I will definitely let you know in quite a bit of advance. Chances are, however, it won't happen until a long time until the end of the story, which is the best time to edit. And if you've kept up with it that long, then yay for you! You'll get to re-read it!
Another shout out and a thank you to all my fans who have waited and waited and thrown darts at my picture for this chapter to come out! (It's a good one *wink and cheesy smile with thumbs up of approval*)