
For those wanting the final part of Galactic Voyage, you might have to wait longer due to me being an idiot and overlooking some things that have come to bite back at me and with school starting on Tuesday I'll be gone till October.
          	Sorry for the delay and also I feel like the final part is below average in terms of quality which needs me to fix it when I come back, once again sorry for the delay


For those wanting the final part of Galactic Voyage, you might have to wait longer due to me being an idiot and overlooking some things that have come to bite back at me and with school starting on Tuesday I'll be gone till October.
          Sorry for the delay and also I feel like the final part is below average in terms of quality which needs me to fix it when I come back, once again sorry for the delay


The chapter finale for A Galactic Voyage is almost done, sorry for procrastinating which made me postpone writing the chapter a lot of times but now I can say that this chapter is now my longest chapter to date.
          I haven't finished writing, I'm more than half way done and I feel like the final word count would be somewhere above 12k, should have it posted either tonight or tomorrow most likely tomorrow, so see you then


Hello Motherfucker.


@AVRizardo Hello There, You'll Need Reading Your Stories From Shantae And The Golan Heights With Wattpad.


I'm baaack and tired, 
          will try and update Battleships Pain but other than that I need sleep or some coffee my minds gonna break itself


@L19htsXAction I don't strain myself writing if I did I would have a very bad case of writers block which I've had once and decided never again.
            I balance my time but thank you for the advice


            I ask that you get a couple days(week, or month) off
            I like reading your stories but I prefer you not to be stressed or strained trying to make chapters for your books


Just for the record I will not be available for a couple of months due to school so, DO NOT ASK ME FOR A NEW CHP!
          When I come back I'll try to update some books but i might fail so I'm aiming for August which is where I'll have a big enough break to start writing.
          I've been your one and only dragon, see you later, byeee!
          ps: if you want to you can join my discord but i won't stress it.


@dragonoid91 aye same my school start is 2 day


@dragonoid91 your only gone for 2 month but I will wait for that, good luck Dragon 


I'm gonna kill wattpad if I ever come back again and see pics I inserted turn in OBJ boxes, this the 5th time it happened.
          do note if you see any OBJ report to me please!
          Next chapter for YGV the fight for humanity part 1 will go live Sunday or earlier maybe. see you then


Things are looking up finally got y laptop back with a few upgrades so writing  will begin soon as soon as I sort out my classes updates will be soon, I hope


@BritaniaBritishNeko I'm the one will break her first not your 


@dragonoid91  yey
            I will break another Iowa-class' keel in half


Mistakes were made 


@Tamayako yours kinda does but not really 