
Hey!! It's been a billion years!! i stopped posting stories here but i never stopped writing!! and now that tiktok is gone maybe i'll write again!


Hi! Wow it’s been a hot minute. I’m so sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’m sorry I haven’t been updating the Apprentice. College had me drained and I’m struggling to find my love for writing again. I love writing, I love making stories, but somehow I’ve been so drained these last few years. Anyways, it’s never too late to go back! Here’s some things I’d like to discuss:
          >NaNoWriMo is coming up! What is NaNoWriMo? It’s a writing contest that spans the month of November. You have from November 1 to November 30 to write a 50,000 word novel. I’ve attempted it a few times but never finished. This year, I would like to try again. I won’t be posting the story until after NaNoWriMo has finished.
          >The Apprentice! Wow, that has been my baby for so long. I’ve grown so much, learned more ways to write stories. New Star Wars movies and shows have come out. Do I want to continue writing it? Yes! I’ll be trying to fit the story in a way that fits the Star Wars canon. The question is when will I go back to writing it. Honestly, I’m not sure. But I do want to go back.
          >Do you guys want to see me on social media? I’m thinking of having a twitter for my writer stuff.
          >love y’all!


Happy New Year!!!
          A small update regarding the Apprentice, I'm getting back into my writing groove, I've just been out of creative juice, so I've been doing short stories lately. I was busy with finals and got sick at one point, so I was just so drained for a while. I'm also trying to improve on my writing,  via MasterClass (I did the $1 subs thing a while back)
          Feel free to give me competition suggestions! These short story competitions really help get my creative juices flowing.
          Have a lovely and much better year!!!


Hi!! How are y'all? Still on hiatus but just wanted update y'all on stuff:
          I was originally going to be releasing a really short horror themed story, but then I realized this would actually make for a really fun NaNoWriMo oppurtunity so I'll be doing that instead!! It'll be longer than what I planned, and will be posted here after I'm done!
          I will still be continuing the Apprentice! I just want to keep researching backstories and refreshing myself on the different plots of Star Wars, but I don't have much time as I am a college student. The Apprentice will be back, I promise!!
          This page has no room for hate, including but not limited to racism, bullying, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, islamaphobia, etc. I personally haven't seen any of it on my page, I just wanted to make that clear!!!!
          Halloween is my FAVORITE time of the year!! I'd love to read some spooky stories, so hmu with them!!!


Hi!! I’m so sorry for not releasing a chapter the last two weeks, I’ve been busy and just mentally occupied!!! I feel like I don’t have enough to write and then I feel like I have too much to write if that makes sense? I’m trying to find my way back into writing, and trying better ways of coming up with ideas and stuff!!! Thank you so much for your patience!! I’ll get better I promise!