Hi!! How are y'all? Still on hiatus but just wanted update y'all on stuff:
I was originally going to be releasing a really short horror themed story, but then I realized this would actually make for a really fun NaNoWriMo oppurtunity so I'll be doing that instead!! It'll be longer than what I planned, and will be posted here after I'm done!
I will still be continuing the Apprentice! I just want to keep researching backstories and refreshing myself on the different plots of Star Wars, but I don't have much time as I am a college student. The Apprentice will be back, I promise!!
This page has no room for hate, including but not limited to racism, bullying, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, islamaphobia, etc. I personally haven't seen any of it on my page, I just wanted to make that clear!!!!
Halloween is my FAVORITE time of the year!! I'd love to read some spooky stories, so hmu with them!!!