
Just posted 3 chapters of Balance, sorry for the long wait, I'm a college student and everything has been hectic.


Hi.... I just wanted to tell you that I really loved your book The Truth..... And I was just wondering when are you updating the 2nd book of the truth or is it that where you left the book at is the end.... 


Sadly, that is the end. The first book I spent an entire school year writing, but whenever I tried to write past the true ending of the first book I could never come up with a second part of it. And so instead of trying to force it like what happened with the second book I just gave up. I had no passion to continue on the story.


this message may be offensive
Ok guys.  I start college in 2 months and I’ll only be taking 2 classes a day, so I’m gonna start working on my stories again hopefully! 
          This whole past 2 years have been absolute shit on me, and writing is normally a huge outlet for me, but everything has just been chaos.
          So around September hopefully I be updating innocence, I’ll probably change some things from the first chapter since I totally forgot what my plan was  
          But I love you guys and I am so thankful to have such wonderful and understanding followers . 


As many of you know my mom passed away a year and a half ago and that's almost about the time when I took my break from my stories. I planned on continuing writing very soon and then I just got the news that my dad had passed away. So sorry to everyone but I'm going to have to push my break time to little bit longer.


@dramaticative_writer that's fine I understand how painful it is to lose ppl and I know it doesn't help saying this but I am here for you pm me whenever.  Take as make time as you need we all heal differently 


Hello, I would like to know if I can translate your fic 'The Truth' into Spanish, informing that the original story is not mine and it is only a translation.