
Hi! I'm currently working on a book centered on Miri, called Miri: The Forgotten Song. 
          	I'd re-wrote it a couple of times, never quite satisfied with how the story was going, but I'm excited to share with you my progress and the first three chapters. Thank you!


Goshhhh!! I just finished reading the dark queen and this is the best book I've read so far... Usually I would skip chapters and will probably just read the epilogue butttt I couldn't do that with this book. You're a talented writer.❤️


Hey i have readed dark queen book again and again. Everytime i read i feel the same emotions and excitement i m just so much inspired by her personality and courage. I would loved u will publish your this book like a hard copy for me to keep it forever with me and in future i could read it to my kids too. Please complete my this wish. ❤️


Just stumbled upon the Dark Queen, didn't expect it to be this good. My tears won't stop flowing in the epilogue, my heart is aching for them, specially for jasreth, my heart can't take it because all I think about is what will happen to him now with miri forgetting him. I really want to know the story of jasreth


where is all the love people


@ Sabbor  *hugs*  I have no words


*insert the crying emojis that were mysteriously left out *


Hi! I'm currently working on a book centered on Miri, called Miri: The Forgotten Song. 
          I'd re-wrote it a couple of times, never quite satisfied with how the story was going, but I'm excited to share with you my progress and the first three chapters. Thank you!


I just read Dark Queen.  I don't know how long you've been writing, but that was an amazing story.  I'm an avid reader.  You're a very good  author. I like your writing style. I hope you continue and become published (submit this story).  I look forward to reading all future completed works by you.  Post message if your work goes to print or Barnes and noble.  I will purchase.  I don't usually leave comments.  But this book was the exception.  Have a great day.


I’ve read cybelline a thousand times through the years and its only today that I manage to read Miri and Jasreth’s portion completely without skipping because my eyes are full of tears. I can wait forever to see how Miri and Jasreth’s story ends. I can never be at peace without seeing both of them happy together. So basically, im saying that their book is keeping me alive, literally. Much love ❤️ I’ll be waiting!!