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i did not think we would become this influential..
Reading Lists
i did not think we would become this influential..
there is nothing more joyous than the terror in the eyes of the dragonless, does no one here read there history books anymore?
@warhaswon well, he surely picked you for a reason.. you’re certainly not one of the more—- reserved or peaceful of the ancestors, which i’m sure you’re aware of. [while aegon had only seen balerion in all of his glory once, and that was from a distance amidst one of his many flights upon the green fury, he knew from by vision himself and what the stories fortold, that balerion was simply a force of nature to be reckoned with] they call my father’s mount ‘balerion come again’.. perhaps because of their immense size or uncanny resemblance.. war dragons who were almost impenetrable. why have you yet to take him on a flight? i’m sure he misses it, just as much as you do.
@draqriys when i was your age, Or—- when I was /young/ balerion and i ruled the skies. he was a terror, still is now that he’s returned with me [ the black, green eyed dragon has yet to grow accustomed to his return to life, he has to fly, to find space for himself where ever that may be or risk destroying half the kingdom ] in his glory years he was unstoppable, the Black Death ..
@warhaswon why else do you think i aimlessly ride on dragonback, circling the commonfolk?
kill me
@vertitu i don’t think you realize the gravity of this sword, do you. it certainly weighs heavier than you.
@draqriys because i want to die. is that not reason enough? give me the sword if you’re so hesitant.
is it .. really all your responsibility?
[ lips twist into something akin to a frown as he speaks, grey hues carefully trailing over their features —- hoping to capture whatever emotion lays behind his visage. a brief moment; SEAN sighs. ] it doesn’t matter if it’s prolonged; how can you take these responsibilities on if you barely have time to process your own thoughts? i’ve been in your position once before —- .. it’s best if you’re able to clear your mind.
@INTR-STLLR i’m not foreign when it comes to burdens, and resting will only prolong it.. in truth. [he then shrugs, not paying any mind to the gravity of his situation. as the first born son of the king and queen, those responsibilities were his the moment he was born and he truly knew no different. it was clock work now, especially as he grew older.]
@draqriys | it’s… [ a quiet voice trails off, still attempting to choose the right tone to use. the common inflictions of the one’s voice is not all that familiar to SEAN. not one part of him is adjusted enough to blend in with those around him. ] still a lot to bare. you’d be better off resting a day or two —- let the weight that builds on your shoulders fall off.
and to what do i owe the luxury of having you pay a visit?
@draqriys, seeking refuge with your own blood would have been wiser. your in a den with those who would love to have your head server on a silver platter, human heads are trophies. [he leans in from where he sat, while he was across from aegon. it felt like his eyes, his breath, was breathing down the beowulf’s spine. despite his prowess, and status that remained no matter what loss of a crown may do. ilyada could care less. nevertheless, a hand raises, a flick and an assortment of food and alcohol is brought into the table.] enjoy, beowulf.
@faelise take my words in any way you deem fit, i’m in no control over your own perception, [regardless, the young prince did exactly that and wasted no time doing so. he finds solace upon one of the plenty stools surrounding them, comfortably shifting on it,] you’re not entirely wrong, faerie soil is certainly an.. interesting choice, yet here i am.
@draqriys, i don’t know. depends on what you can offer, to drink with fae should be an honour, not some common occurrence. your words should be an insult, [it’s playful, the way that he says it. gentle as mischief dances in dark irises, finger entangled in a strand of his hair, twirled around his index. a smile afflicted on warm features,] not a lot of people come to faerie soil for a change of pace. you’re bold, brave —- perhaps foolish, is a better way to describe you. come now, sit.
@truerheir invited means /encouraged/, not obligated, in other terms— we are not obliged to attend.. [those were his very words before he even grasped who sent the very letter to his mother. looking up from the quill and ink in his grasp, he watched leanna’s expression twist and turn with a mix of disbelief, dread, and ultimate humor. even at the mention of house barakos, he couldn’t help the involuntary snort to expel past his lips.] seven hells, what number wife is this now? fourth? father’s going to have a day when he hears of this news.
@draqriys .. [leanna chuckled, more so out of disbelief and at the audacity of whom the letter was sent from. she should have suspected it anyhow, simply because the messenger was an ugly archvulture from the far north and not the many ravens she had grown used to seeing] .. ‘DEAR HOUSE BEOWULF.. you are invited to the divine and everlasting union of KING BARAKOS and .. brunhilde..’ oh for fucks sake.
.. are you mentally deficient ?
@criwuf i do plenty of speaking with your brothers, you know this. [he scoffs, opting to lean back against the dark wood of the chair. he didn’t know what he would prefer in that very moment; her lingering presence to only scold him, or the very mesyrs who seemed to make his headaches worse in the early morning during their teachings. at this point, he was willing to kiss the ground mesyr alyn walked on if it meant she left him to ultimately rest. the only time he chose to look at up at her was only at her accusation of infidelity, which warranted a dry laugh to escape his already dry throat] how could i forget? you only seem to mention the fact when you’re pestering me about nothing more than falsehoods crafted by insecurities that toil with your mind. i leave in the night on my own excursions, to which i’m not obliged to discuss if i needn’t be. but none of which revolve around her or infidelity .. and the fact that you could accuse me of something as such would be considered treason
i would rather you not speak to the /offspring/ of a traitor. my brothers benjor and jon are right there for you to speak with— even arya. [ alas, styorra approaches. resting a hand upon the table and lingering over him only to scold, belittle and argue further. her brows lift. she expects an answer—- yet when she is given none, he is met with frown and a look of great disdain.] at times i think you forget that your betrothed is /me/ not her. [ the source of her reactions could be many things. paranoia, insecurity, jealousy. perhaps all of them at once, perhaps none at all. but the mesyrs didn’t like him and she found herself listening to their voices more often than not] do you leave within the night to be unfaithful? is that why she has captured your attention? @draqriys
@criwuf i’ve never been more serious in my life than i am on this moment [he was exhausted, perhaps that has to do with him lacking sleep and ultimate peace of mind. the chronic headache he had was simply the pinnacle of it all —or perhaps it was his /walking/ headache who took it upon herself to waltz his way into his chambers to pick yet another argument with him ..the third of the day. he pinches between his brows momentarily before letting them trace over the hairs, rolling his eyes before he glances up at her. such a look of disdain and ultimate shame ..one he had gotten used to as of late, so it simply didn’t bother him] would you rather me isolate myself from those i speak with on your terms? my apologies that i enjoy speaking to someone who doesn’t make my temples ache every time they ignite an incessant argument simply because they feel the need to
mesyr alyn will be furious if he finds this page ripped
@birdsburn they wouldn’t send a girl to the son’s .. much less you [it was a genuine attempt at reassurance, despite it not being his strong suit. he only shrugs, remaining in his slouched position yet his gaze never strayed from hers; full of so much worry yet determination to fix the page he had accidentally ripped out. perhaps his touch was too rough for books as old and frail as the ones given to them, so he was more than willing to take the blame if need be] or how about ..i take the book, and say i wanted to read more. surely mesyr alyn will be shocked, but he would not prevent me from broadening my horizons when it comes to his teachings and history
@draqriys not with your help, that is for certain. [ she is kind enough to ignore his mockery, others— like his sisters, would’ve already struck him. she had promised to take extra care of the book, and here it lied in ruins— a paper ripped from its spine] i have to return this first thing on the morrow and if they see—- .. what if I get sent to the sons ???
@birdsburn sister alysanne said so [it was nothing more than a higher pitched, most certainly mocking tone as his eyes remained glued at the torn page before them. even as a young boy, he had never found the mesyrs and their sermons interesting, rather a bore and ultimate interruption of his leisure time.. the sisters he liked, however. they were much more kind and understanding. allowing his head to fall against the arm that took occupancy along the oak wood table they sat at, he lets out an exaggerated sigh as he watches her intently ..more specifically how she plans to fix the page of the book that was ripped out] how on earth do you plan to fix that?
there you are, .. rather late to be out in the cold
[ he is not met with a nagging voice in means to turn this on him, nor be quick to defend herself. no insults, no accusations. not even the ridicule of his abuse of the famous vibrant drink northerners seemed to love— jayne had no taste for it though, or any other. Instead, it was a nod of acceptance and the faintest of smiles. she felt the same— or, she didn’t. their lives were entirely different and therefore she may possibly never know what he’s feeling. still, she listened. she had asked, and he had answered— it was only fair for her to do the same] my sister .. does not want to see my face, not tonight [ a simple shrug and the gentlest of tones. her arms push from out her cloak and wrap around her knees, entwining her fingers together in a secure lock] i suppose i did something to upset her further, for she was already irritable throughout the day so.. when she is asleep and at ease i’ll make my return.. i’m sorry your betrothed hates you @draqriys
@birdsburn [he was silent. not because he was ignoring her question ..he simply didn’t know how to answer it. it was a multitude of things, for his own selfish reasons. his fingers relentlessly tapped along his knees as he even dared to form his thoughts into words. he had been out here a lot as of late, to escape from everything that occurred from the second he woke up to the very minute everyone went to sleep. perhaps he was selfish, but he wanted to run away from it all ..and even with the multitude of things he has to lose in the process makes the thought even more exhilarating. he sighs out heavily, setting the chalice down completely so he won’t drop it or spill the remnants on her furs] while everyone rests with the sun .. is when i can be free, of every responsibility bestowed upon me at birth, unnecessary conflict with —you know how it goes. constant arguing and stress, and it seems that i can do nothing right with that one despite my efforts, so when everyone is laid in their beds —i’m out here, with my chalice and questioning every life choice i’ve made up until this very point. now ..what of you?
@draqriys it wouldn’t be me even if that were true. raelys, perhaps. animals are fond of her. even the most viscous [ her arms rest on her knees and she leans forward to look towards the moon, it was full, surrounded by the stars and the sky for once was a deep shade of blue. a soft exhale escapes her lips and the vapors of her breath pour out like that of a dragon’s smoke. it was quiet, save for the singing of the wind every now and then. pushing against her close to frigid frame, forcing her to shut her eyes and wish she had grabbed a better cloak, even in her rush. jayne allowed the silence to continue, her mind remaining on the deer mother and her babes. she prayed no wolf or man would strike them down, and that they would live happily long deer lives ] .. why are you out here, aegon?
are you going to stay in here all day?
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