
Hi everyone! If you actually care about me I made a new account @being-alive if you want to go follow it. I'll be more active than I've been on this account. I already have to stories planned! Anyways, I'll be following mutuals from this account
          	Bye xx


I was tagged by @alternative-nat
          Real name: Keira not kee-air-a just keer-a
          Best friends: nat and cat:)
          Fav book: on wattpad i care by @alternative-nat and irl Looking for Alaska by the wonderful/terrible John Green it gave me a new perspective on life. 
          Goals: um I don't know what I want to do with my life but probably to climb the trail that my parents are doing right now. Up the Matterhorn and down the Mount Le Rosa trail or smth like that. 
          Fav musicians: Mel Halsey Coldplay tøp p!atd
          Tag 10 people
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