
Please give a read, I hope you all will relate to this very thing. It's just a heart, expressing to hearts :')


Hi Zoya, my name is Sanmati a big sandhir fan  I am a new follower of yours I am just I love with your work Ehssas toh seriously u define a thirst unquenched in every chapter of urs and all of them leve me in a state of complete awe and much more longing in my heart seriously it connects, hits, hurts, injures our hearts at a very deep level ur writings make people believe in the feeling called love and makes us fall in love all over again. I wanted to ask do people like randhir really exist like in ehssas toh? 


@SanmatiJain1999  thank you so much for your love, means a lot. And if you are such guys exist or not, then I would say.. yes they do but fortunes chose rare for rare


hey can u plz post Maine haara main in wattpad...??? plz do try and if possible plz post all of your works


@mahimarose awwww means a lot really :')


@mahimarose  tq so much....u HV no idea what does ur writing imposes on others


@mahimarose dear ill try as Mhm I started long ago, my writing was not that fine. Moreover, few links I don't have with me... but ill try to post here :')


Haye zoya my god I am a big big big fan of yours. 
          Whenever I think about you the 1st thing which comes into my mind is 
          Soti c aankhien
          Moti c aankhien 
          In love with monshtell and miss bagicha
          Zoya gyaan it's simply awesome


@SHAMBHAVI18 thank u very much dear, m glad you like my work :) means a lot really.