Hi, my name is Kaniz. I'm light skinned with dark brown hair that stops a few inches below my shoulders. I read, write and lose myself in music. I am loved by those who have been in my presence and hated by those who think they've known me. I care too much sometimes, and cry when I can't be strong any longer. But my imperfections make me who I am. 

I'm a fourteen year old struggling through the works of high school with my best friends by my side every step of the way. But sometimes, best friends just aren't enough.

I need THAT guy. The guy with the wavy hair, the bright eyes, the charming smile, and the sense of humor that always gets me to smile. I need him, just because I'm a hopeless romantic. I imagine sitting in a coffee shop, cinnamon in the air, John Mayer playing in the background. He's playing with my hand and I'm sitting wanting to stay in that exact moment.

If only I could.♥
  • انضمApril 11, 2011

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Learning To Breathe
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