
Heyy guys.. I was going to maybe update my stories sometime but now that Liam is gone it feels wrong to have him do silly things in the stories so I probably won’t update those unfortunately 


I used to follow you on TikTok… noticed you haven’t been on there since maybe March ‍♀️(maybe banned) I remembered you couldn’t go live anymore .Do you have a new one? Miss your daily stories and unboxing .Would love to follow you again 


thank you so much for the support though!!


hi!! unfortunately, my parents decided to take away my tiktok account because they were afraid of internet friends and the popularity and outreach of my fan account. so unfortunately, i do not have access to the account, hence why i have not posted for a hot minute :(( i don’t have any other fan accounts for you to follow unfortunately, except my twitter (frankieloveslou) but that is a very infrequent mind dump of whatever i am thinking about. i miss having that outreach to everyone and being able to share my life. maybe someday in the future i will be able to restart something, but unfortunately i think for now, lou_my_love28 is dead :(