Hey Guyss!!❤
Hope you all are doing well and fantastic.
First of all, A very very very big SORRY to everyone who loves to read my story, who eagerly wants to read next parts of PriAm's story.
Sorry guys, I know it's been a month and i haven't posted anything. No messages, no reply, no updates, literally nothing.
Basically, When my annual exams were about to start then i leave wattpad thinking that i will join it again when my exams will be over. But aftee the exams got over, the tension of result and after 5 or 6 days the result was announced and I was like OH GOD! Finally, It's over.
But I was wrong, It wasn't over beacuse just after 2 days, the new session started and you guys know, its a lot burden of new session.
And now again my first exams of new session are going to start.
I'm not lying literally i'm not lying, I always try to find time to write but its a new day and new work.
Sorry guys but i can't post something till i not get time.
Will meet you guys again ASAP with a new Part.
Till then, Take care, BYE BYE!!❤