
welll readers chapter 6 is up !! i ll be posting  chapter 7 on thursday ,kk  plllzzz vote and comment 


Just FYI, I just posted the first chapter of my newest book.  I'd love you get your feedback and thoughts on it.  Should be able to find it on my profile.  It's called "Finding Maggie"  and I think you'll really like it.  Thanks!


Sorry about not posting two chapters yesterday.  I'm posting more than I'm writing so I think at least for a little bit it will only be one chapter a day.  At least until I get a little more caught up on things.  Thanks for all your kind posts and comments.  I really appreciate it.  P.S. I think maybe you're right, it probably wasn't Tess.  :)


Hahaha.. Alright 'This Time' i'll do it. But don't tell anyone i listened to ur request. Or i'll hv request like that coming 4m every direction ! 8)  It's early morn here and m off to somewhere. But i'll work on the next chap when i return home in evening and post it up no matter hw many votes i hv got. Bye 8)