
Hi, dreamperfection here ^^ it's been a while since I was last active here, and besides being busy during my final year of uni, I went through times that made me unable to continue writing or come up with new works. I truly apologize to the comments or messages I did not reply to as I couldn't keep up with them. I don't know if anyone would see this or if it matters, but from here onwards, I won't be posting new works or coming up with stories for ATEEZ as I don't have the capacity to catch up with them anymore. I'll still keep the stories published and I might come back one day, although it's highly unlikely.
          	I mulled over this for quite a while, and it was kind of a tough decision to make. With that being said, I've met a lot of nice people here, made friends with a lot of you and had so many great memories. Thank you for everything, truly. Have a blessed day and please take care! I hope that we'll still have the opportunity to bump into each other sometime ^^
          	Goodbye ^^


@dreamperfection goodluck with life dear!


@dreamperfection Hi, how are you, maybe you have a social network where I can talk to you, please.


I am super late to this but i read here i lie these past few days and I can't take the story out of my head. I constantly think about it and honestly it's one of the first times it ever happened to me. I was currently searching among your other books cause I can't get enough of your writing skills and i came across your post .. I'm sad i couldn't tell you when you were still writing but i really love everything about the way you write : the plot, the suspense, the details, the flashbacks, the way you manage to make us empathize with every character,...etc it's just so good ❤️ i hope you're happy and living your best life rn cause you deserve it so much ! I wish you all the best for your future and if you ever come back and decide to continue writing, I'll be right there and I'll support you with all my heart !! 
          	  I love you (⌒▽⌒)❤️
          	  PS : I'll read all your other books now and I'll come back to read here i lie every once in a while <33 !!


Hi! I hope you're having a great day. I just published my very first English work, and I was hoping I could ask for your support. By reading it yourself or telling others to read my book, I want you to know I will do the same for you every time you need support. Please and thank you.


Hi i just want to say you are one of the amazing writers I’ve stumbled upon your work ishihara is simply unique you have inspired me so much and all i will say is that am proud and impressed keep on the good work and in the world of writers you are definitely my role model 


Hi author! I am a big fan of your works. Your works struck a chord within me as soon as I started reading. My eyes were glued to every word. For so long, I searched for something out of the ordinary. You really made that happen.
          Your works inspired me to write too. If you can, please check out the book on my profile. It is newly published.


hi author-nim! how have you been? i’ve opened wattpad after some time and i was melancholic, i read all of your stories and i couldn’t help but read again a book of yours, i hope some day you will be returning with new stories! i really miss them, i hope one day you will write on here again, even just to let us writer know how you’re doing 


One thing about dreamperfection's books is that it made me cry a lot and i want moreee the first dreamperfection's story that I've read is Mirrored match, and then arcus, then ishihara and then kint sugi, crescent and here i lie:) That six books made me cry like--- but my personal favorite is Ishihara and the sequel of it. Please continue to make wonderful books i will gladly read it because i am obsessed!!! I love you author-nimmmm


@khyeriwrts i don't know if shark is still writing but i hope she's doing well and i hope she's still writing because i miss herrrr