Ok, so I don’t normally do anything like this but for any of you that follow my profile and have been reading my digimon fanfiction story I am apologizing with everything that I can about deleting my story.
It’s hard for me to continue writing it for a few reasons. One of them being that when I originally got the idea for this story I was in high school and best friends with the other three main characters of my story, but life has a funny way of breaking people apart when their not meant to be in each others life forever. And I found peace by writing their characters as the friends that I remember having back in that time. But he main reason that I can’t seem to get past in writing the story is the negativity and darkness that are the main themes for the story. At that point in my life I was in a bad place, but now thankfully I am on a better path and in a better position that when I do feel brave enough to enter the darkness again it scares me all over with how bad of a place that I was truly in. I am still in a bad position, but a lot better than how I use to feel about myself and the world.
Again, I am truly sorry about doing this to any of you that have enjoyed the story so far. I don’t want to be one of those writers that makes promises to their readers about finishing certain stories and never coming through with those promises because I know it drives me crazy as an avid reader when my favourite stories get put on hold forever. I do promise you though that I will repost it with an edited version once it is finished if I do end up finishing it at some point in time (which I hopefully.) But until then I hope that you will forgive me and enjoy my other stories in the mean time, because they too will also give you a glimpse into my many emotions that I deal with in my every day life while I write my stories. Thanks for all the love and support, I truly appreciate everything I receive from you all. ☺️❤️
Love Whit.