the moonlight crown and the amber heart
Hello everyone, You’ve reached this messaged a bit too late. I’ve left the fandom and have no longer the motivation to write. Of course, I will be keeping my Wizard Academy just in case if I return to the fandom to write again but, that day will be far from now. No my account is not hacked, I’ve just designed it to look similar to an empty place because, why not?
@dreamy_lunar_night no no no no no NO NO NO!!!! COME BACK! COME BACK! COME BACK!!!!!
@dreamy_lunar_night its okay, take your time what makes you comfy. We'll wait when you come back to the fandom. Peace out! ✌❤
@dreamy_lunar_night ah issokie! We’ll wait for your return if you ever actually come back :’) Hope you had fun in the fandom though! <3
the moonlight crown and the amber heart
eat a mug!
eat a mug!
eat a mug!
Hello everyone, You’ve reached this messaged a bit too late. I’ve left the fandom and have no longer the motivation to write. Of course, I will be keeping my Wizard Academy just in case if I return to the fandom to write again but, that day will be far from now. No my account is not hacked, I’ve just designed it to look similar to an empty place because, why not?
@dreamy_lunar_night no no no no no NO NO NO!!!! COME BACK! COME BACK! COME BACK!!!!!
@dreamy_lunar_night its okay, take your time what makes you comfy. We'll wait when you come back to the fandom. Peace out! ✌❤
@dreamy_lunar_night ah issokie! We’ll wait for your return if you ever actually come back :’) Hope you had fun in the fandom though! <3
Update: Hello there, I’m not technically back yet but hey, I’ve decided to drop back in and see what everyone is doing. I’ll be honest with you; I’ve been writing Wizard Academy on my school computer because I can’t go on my iPad until it’s around nighttime (blame my strict parents). My school computer has blocked the wattpad website which is why I decided to go on a long hiatus because I thought that the block was only temporary until summer, it’s not. Therefore that means updates will probably take even longer because my parents won’t let me keep my iPad in my room for no reason whatsoever, but, I’ve written about 2 and a half chapters (on google docs) while on my hiatus so yee! But the rest of the story will probably take around maybe another year to finish or so. Well that’s all for what I have to say, have a nice day and maybe I’ll see you soon! ~dreamy
Hello everyone I have a simple message that will need to be sent out, I am no longer allowed to go in Wattpad until I finished my school year for 2020-2021 then I will return to this website in the middle of May. My parents have told me to do this and it’s not my own choice. Wizard Academy will be put on a long pause until I finish my school year and will continue working on it during my summer break. I hope you have a nice rest of the day and remember to get some sleep. I will see you all in May!
After reading through this, I actually sound formal for the first time! Although it feels a bit too formal.
Aight people, I saw on Tumblr that two ways of getting out of writer's block 1. Track how many words you write daily since it could make you feel guilty enough to write more. or 2. Looking up prompts and aiming for at least 5k (or 2k since that's my limit) words. I don't feel like guilt-tripping myself so guess I'll be looking up some prompts to write to get rid of this annoying block that has been clinging onto me.
Update: I hate it here; I almost finished on what the story was about (so when I go back I could understand what I was writing about) and I accidentally powered off. When I went back to continue writing it deleted everything I wrote with no revision of it. Why are you like this Wattpad?
2/13/21 It's been 12 days since writer's block had found me and decided to cling to me like a koala. If only it would go away soon; I haven't even passed 100 words for chapter 9 and I want to publish it on the last day of February. Also Happy Valentines Day!
Okay so apparently I can't keep these a secret anymore now; I'll be showing you some future books I've saved in my little Wattpad inventory. Chasing Despair — Ah yes, Danganronpa a murder mystery but with countryhumans; I've got the prologue almost finished (except it needs some cleaning up) because I worked on this secretly while making the first few chapters of Wizard academy. Check the time — Oh we goin' time traveling on this one. It's about a time traveler ending up many years forward from where they are; they have to find a way to return without being captured and also help their friends save something from a boss. (A gacha series called "Cross between time" inspired this book.) Stuck in school — Probably going to be one of my big projects, it's gonna be an interactive book; you'll have two or three choices after every chapter and you have to pick the correct choice, or else one will be taken away from the group. (Inspo. by a countryhuman book but, I forgot the title.) Magic Shop — Search up 'magic shop technique' and you'll understand what I mean. Imma stir up some 'Tomorrow X Together' & 'Dreamcatcher' stuff here along with a pinch of angst (if I can). The Sea and the Sky — Seems like something along the lines of romance right? Wrong! Well, of course, it'll be something like curiosity and a secret friendship after history but will end up with a sad ending. I mean, not all stories end up happy. The Edgelord of cafes — Maybe a little break from anything action and fantasy and having a cup of lemon honey or rose tea. This will be more of a comedy story with chaotic stuff happening and will probably be my last story.... before I take a mini hiatus from Wattpad.
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